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Значения термина sent instructions на английском
Значения для термина "sent instructions" отсутствуют.
Использование термина sent instructions на английском
She sentinstructions to the master of the vessel to get steam up.
Accordingly he sentinstructions to sell another lot of shares.
I sentinstructions to my solicitor in London to raise a loan on my life-insurance.
I sentinstructions to each place that every article was to be marked in plain figures.
Du Croisier has sentinstructions to the MM.
He sentinstructions, but he also sent power.
Behind Turner's back, someone very senior had sentinstructions to keep major operations secret from ambassadors everywhere abroad.
Tchicaya sentinstructions to the banner.
He gave me his word he would not retreat, but suddenly sentinstructions that he was retiring that night.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sentinstructions to U.S. missions worldwide Wednesday telling them to rescind all invitations to Iranian diplomats.
He took no action upon it, and neither sentinstructions to General Baird himself nor presented it to me for such instructions.
Chaldea is now a queen, and evidently has sentinstructions to her kinsfolk in this county to keep an eye on us.
Alfred advised him that Dr. Playford had paid him one dollar to deliver the hounds and sentinstructions that they be properly cared for.
He sentinstructions to have some of the things sent out to him at Samburan, just as any ordinary, credulous person would have done.
Pope Clement VIII, Aldobrandini, was not satisfied, and sentinstructions that James should not be acknowledged unless he pledged himself to much larger concessions.
He sentinstructions to his assistant to prepare the board for a meeting, and then began the necessary work of finding a successor for Sambianco.