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Значения термина sent multiple на английском
Значения для термина "sent multiple" отсутствуют.
Использование термина sent multiple на английском
The Commission has sentmultiple questionnaires to various parties since June, with the latest sent out in September.
Throughout the year, Palestinians sentmultiple letters of solidarity to us throughout protests in Ferguson, New York, and Baltimore.
Salls said she sentmultiple emails only after her initial emails, which identified her affiliation with Peacefire, were rejected.
Then, Sunni extremists sentmultiple car bombs into Baghdad on an almost daily basis, and killed Shi'ites with impunity.
Deanna and the family's personal lawyers had sentmultiple threatening e-mails to the Blessed and the Cursed, and the post had finally been taken down.
Read -Black Coffee: DJ "was sentmultiple letters" asking him not to perform in Israel Is Black Coffee working on a new album?
The affidavit said Curtis had previously sentmultiple communications to Wicker's office that included the phrase "this is Kevin Curtis and I approve this message".
'If Tiberius sentmultiple scrolls to Paccius in England, couldn't Paccius have sent several scrolls back to Rome describing his success?'