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Значения термина shattered upon на английском
Значения для термина "shattered upon" отсутствуют.
Использование термина shattered upon на английском
They were shatteredupon the rocky shores of Scotland and Ireland.
By the time the ants arrived, they were brittle and shatteredupon handling.
Something fell out of the vase and shatteredupon the table with a tinkling sound.
She met the deadly blade head-on, striking it with her own weapons, which shatteredupon impact.
The wine-glass lay shatteredupon the cobbles and the white light was split across the snow.
Lilas's wine-glass shatteredupon the floor.
Horse and rider went down before the adversary, arrows flew and darts were hurled; lances were splintered and the sword shatteredupon the covering shield.