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Использование термина show a link на английском
Several studies also showalink between sedentary time and heart disease.
Company filings, however, showalink between Meszaros and those companies through an intermediary.
CDC said research does not showalink between thimerosal in vaccines and autism.
Although recent data showalink between Nrf2 and AD-related cognitive decline, the mechanism is still unknown.
These data showalink in the transcriptional pathways of M2 and M3 leukemia.
Both of these papers claiming to showalink received blanket media coverage at the time, as did Krigsman's claims.
Previous studies by Mozaffarian, who was not involved in the new work, did not showalink between mercury and heart attacks.
The researchers also believe their data may showalink between migraine and a specific chemical that controls signalling in the brain.
Results showalink between progression of carotid wall changes and of cognitive decline, and suggest a possible protective role of antihypertensive therapy.
Most of the existing studies of inactivity showalink between time spent being sedentary and an increased risk of diabetes, for instance.
We think we can showalink between a nice warm, dry studying area and that will drive better grades in New Zealand children.
She added, however, that her findings did showalink between the two and doctors should keep that in the back of their minds.
This may be the first study to showalink between central brain evolution and increasing species diversity, researchers report in the April 29 Science.
Studies have shownalink between life expectancy and living conditions.
In our previous work we have shownalink between rotavirus infection and celiac disease.
Previous research also showedalink between high blood pressure in childhood and high blood pressure in adulthood.