Semiotic concept; object, quality, event, or entity whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else; includes words, punctuation, expressions, gestures, notices, road signs, symbols, pictures, etc.
One of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided.
An event that is experienced as indicating important things to come.
A perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent, as a visible clue that something has happened.
Examples for "augury "
Examples for "augury "
1 Such gayety; such jokes; such bravado; and augury of the to be!
2 The whole scene was of evil augury for the defence of Paris.
3 This was not a happy augury for the head of the family.
4 Romulus had raised the first body with the customary ceremony of augury .
5 They defy critical augury , in their unending quest of beauty and truth.
1 But of Love I can't foretoken :
2 Below... much foretoken of reaver.
3 Then he knew why he had been so blissfully happy that evening; it was just a foretoken of the little girl's nearness.
4 It was only in the deepest recesses, many miles below the surface, that they began to find "much foretoken " of reavers.
5 The flight of birds was watched by them, as foretokening somewhat important.
Другие значения термина "sign" 1 He can't talk much now, can't form words, can't use sign language.
2 One passenger said she had seen no sign of such help, however.
3 Kellye Bensley: Come and have a look and try sign language week.
4 The three countries aim to sign the new agreement by Nov. 30.
5 He had no problem speaking; a sure sign he was a mixture.
6 The raucousness of American politics was a sign of its essential health.
7 Cathedral used as a political sign of the past not the future.
8 So the System hangs out a sign : In Business to Protect Information.
9 Meanwhile, the flow of refugees across Europe shows no sign of easing.
10 Reuters witnesses in several border areas saw no sign of extra forces.
11 She passed my business sign every day on her way to work.
12 THE new £100 note, introduced in Dublin yesterday, is surely a sign .
13 Thousands of Thais continue to visit the hospital to sign get-well books.
14 The company expects to sign other license deals this year, he said.
15 Group 1 included ten cases with a third- to fifth-order bronchus sign .
16 Analysts read political considerations in Kenyatta's decision to sign off the law.
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