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Значения термина similar explanation на английском
Значения для термина "similar explanation" отсутствуют.
Использование термина similar explanation на английском
A similarexplanation has been given for those old accounts of frog and fish rains.
And yet I venture to believe that in all untimely bereavement some similarexplanation could be found.
Possibly a similarexplanation may hold good for the brightly coloured seeds of Abrus precatorius.)
Paul offered a similarexplanation during the most recent controversy over his bigoted newsletters: deny, but don't discredit.
They passed through a silken gallery into a chamber of satin, of which she gave a similarexplanation.
Perhaps we must seek some similarexplanation for Fritze's short-lived code, published and withdrawn the next day, the 23rd.
In the future edition of Nabíl's Narrative a similarexplanation will have to be inserted in the "Dawn Breakers".
A great deal of Chinese callousness has a similarexplanation, and is due to perception of the vastness of the problems involved.
Thus, many formal designs are studied in which the upright plays a part; likewise, the oval and the circle receive a similarexplanation.
In the light of Alvarez's later triumph with a similarexplanation for the K-T event, one might be tempted to view this address as prophetic.
A similarexplanation may apply to C. Correns's experiment, in which he crossed white Mirabilis jalapa with a yellow form, and always obtained red-flowered offspring.
In his Wednesday statement, Bolsonaro offered similarexplanations for the recent rise in prices.
The weapons and tools discovered would appear to confirm this idea, and to suggest similarexplanations of vitrification elsewhere.
Houston, Nullification in S. C., 34, for similarexplanations by Mitchell and McDuffie; Clay, Works (Colton's ed.
Other ascetics gave similarexplanations.
Hargrave Jennings has also traced the origin of the symbols of Heraldry, the emblems of Royalty and of some church orders with similarexplanations.