A single ripened ovary from a single flower.
An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp: e.g. grape; tomato; cranberry.
Examples for "bacca "
Examples for "bacca "
1 Has de gemmin from de norf any bacca for dis yere chile?
2 I will take three o' grog and an ounce of ' bacca .
3 Well, yesterday evening, squire, I went down into the village to buy some ' bacca .
4 Enty you got one piece t' bacca fo' po' ole nigger?
5 Gi's a bit o' bacca , Bill; maybe it'll take the edge off o' my stummuk.
1 Even simple fruit and veg aren't entirely unproblematic for the conscientious cook.
2 Probably next year, we can't even afford simple fruits , said 48-year-old Shahrokh, who works in a taxi agency.
3 Not contented with the simple fruits of the garden, a large bull hippopotamus had recently killed the proprietor.
4 How to Make Simple Fruit Desserts
5 Simple fruit - flavored alcoholic drinks are one thing-butwhat risk are brewers running with products incorporating the likes of caffeine?
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