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Значения термина smaller steps на английском
Значения для термина "smaller steps" отсутствуют.
Использование термина smaller steps на английском
Others welcome her aptitude for the smallersteps as appropriate to our times.
Break your overall goal into a maximum of five smallersteps.
Eisai has already taken smallersteps to strengthen its oncology pipeline.
Eventually, yes, but you must take smallersteps before you can make giant leaps.
The focus on smallersteps to achieve growth comes as CEZ is set for an eighth straight year of profit decline.
To take smallersteps toward bigger screens, digital projection company Barco is introducing Barco Escape, a 270-degree panoramic screen, in movie theaters.
My recommendation would be to start off with smallersteps, smaller movements until they group with other smaller motions to become bigger groups of motion.
I myself am far more interested in the smallersteps along the journey, but standing back on occasion to glimpse the whole can be useful.