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Значения термина snatching away на английском
Значения для термина "snatching away" отсутствуют.
Использование термина snatching away на английском
That's all right, snatchingaway the shoe his brother had picked up to examine.
And before long I found them playing, like two pups, at catching and snatchingaway each other's hands!
These ugly wretches were in the habit of snatchingaway his dinner, and allowed him no peace of his life.
A strong wind swirled out of nowhere, whipping the soldiers' hair into their eyes and snatchingaway badges and daggers.
Then, snatchingaway the blanket, he grabbed at her top, gripped it tight, twisting it around till she almost choked.
Dare not pronounce her name! thundered the good priest, snatchingaway his hand, which they attempted to grab and kiss.
The girl, quickly snatchingaway her hand, answered with a forced laugh, How absurd you really are, dear old dad!
As they were going on this project, they were disappointed of their hope by the Gods snatchingaway Helen from them.
She ran to the stove, snatchingaway some of the child's linen which was drying there, ran out, and opened the door.
There was plenty of Group K drama with Zambia and shock 2017 Cup of Nations qualifiers Guinea-Bissau snatchingaway draws in stoppage time.
He rehearsed it with himself in a different role, beating the cowpuncher to a helpless pulp of bruised muscle, snatchingaway his wife.
Tensions across the Taiwan Strait have heightened with China conducting military drills around the island and snatchingaway Taiwan's dwindling number of diplomatic allies.
On the heels of the army hung perpetually bands of the enemy, snatchingaway disabled baggage animals and fighting with each other over the carcases.
"Don't!" said Rosa, vehemently, snatchingaway her hand from her suitor's hold.
Snatchingaway the net of spells was as easy, and as fun, as whipping a string away from a cat.
"Let me go," said Elinor, snatchingaway her hand, which he had seized.