1 Remarkable days indeed.' He gave the snide servant a look of exasperation.
2 The woman was obviously used to dealing with hysteria and snide remarks.
3 Joshua piloted the MSV himself, ignoring Ashly's snide remarks about union rules.
4 I'm going to say snide things about Demosthenes in my first column.
5 I slunk off into the living room and ignored Smokey's snide expression.
6 I ignored his snide comment and headed for the door, unlocking it.
7 He was about to make a snide comment when the woman continued.
8 But meanwhile I didn't bring you jokers here to make snide remarks.
9 Mr. Brann attacked hypocritic preachers, snide politicians, shoddy society people, shyster lawyers.
10 Gretcha's plump little lips writhed back at her in a snide smile.
11 I read each snide post that assumed I was a single mom.
12 At another time, Artemis would have been forced to pass a snide comment.
13 In Cincinnati there are a dozen places to one in this snide town.
14 Urusander's soldiers were welcome to mock and make their snide remarks.
15 No snide remarks were ventured, though the mind-tones said it all.
16 Don't make me say it again, and please keep snide comments to yourself.
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