Значения для термина "so domineering" отсутствуют.
1 With a spider's web for reins, so domineering is she.
2 Even Stanton, once so domineering , so difficult to manage, had become as clay in his hands.
3 The main difference was he was married, though their mother was so domineering in his life as well.
4 Most of the Traders had beards and big bass voices, and were so domineering with women-don'tyou think so ?
5 Was it her money, the sense that she could do as she liked with most people, that made her so domineering and masterful?
6 No wonder his father had been harsh, but still-oldDarwin K. should not have been so domineering , so ready to credit all he heard.
7 "How bold of you, Molly, especially when that policeman is so forceful, so domineering . "
8 So domineering was the presence of Italian Giovanni Morandin that it was hard to make any kind of assessment of this game.
9 "She is so very arrogant," said Bella , - " and so domineering . "
10 "Oh, you're so domineering ! " she murmured.
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