We have no meanings for "so fervent" in our records yet.
1 Our faith is not less devout, but it is not so fervent .
2 Elizabeth had never seen her like this, so fervent , so driven.
3 The loyalty always so fervent is now intense and loud.
4 His addresses were so fervent that they acted at times like an electric shock.
5 No prayers, indeed, are so fervent as those of love.
6 He begged to know with what request I intended to wind up so fervent an harangue.
7 I never before imagined that so fervent a friendship could subsist between two sister-beauties, both toasts.
8 Paul's zeal for the Gospel becomes so fervent that it almost leads him to curse angels.
9 She drew in a deep breath and took in his scent, one so fervent , so male.
10 His eyes were so fervent , his hope so raw that there was no point arguing with him.
11 His loyalty towards the royal family was so fervent that it overlooked his affection to his child.
12 Picasso's advocates were so fervent , his fame so overpowering, that Braque appeared doomed to play second fiddle.
13 He had been so earnest, so fervent .
14 What faith so entire, what charity so pure, what hope so fervent , as that of early youth?
15 In 1760 some congregations of Calvinistic Methodists in Wales became so fervent that they began leaping for joy.
16 To be the object of devotion to a heart so fervent and pure was, surely, no common privilege.
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