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Значения термина social excitement на английском
Значения для термина "social excitement" отсутствуют.
Использование термина social excitement на английском
He conjured up the picture of his guardian, existing in a whirl of official bustle and socialexcitement.
She was naturally fond of socialexcitement; but she showed a great deal of courage and dignity after the death of her husband.
Temporarily, the Lenten season stopped the rustle and flash of toilettes, chained the dancers, and put away the tempting chalice of socialexcitement.
The demon of hypochondria was always lying in wait for him, and could be exorcised for a time only by hard work or socialexcitement.
Then there are the cases where indolence, or selfishness, or vanity, or the love of socialexcitement, in the woman, unfits her for home life.
Their palates would have demanded other flavours-socialexcitements, balls, flirtations, almost escapades.
The socialexcitements of the 1960s had an immense impact on the hard-working writer in his garret.
The socialexcitements of Worcester almost seem tame before the engrossing interest of 113 live, warm, wriggling little orphans.
Her socialexcitements and responsibilities, the undoubted success that had attended her maiden essay as hostess during the past week, shrank to trivial proportions.