Examples for "lye "
Examples for "lye "
1 Turn them frequently while in the lye , and wipe them dry afterwards.
2 They made pots of lye hominy and lye soap the same day.
3 Now be keerful and not run afoul of the plaguey lye leech.
4 If lye was on his gloves, he couldn't risk touching his clothes.
5 We made all our soap and lye hominy by the washpots full.
1 Conclusion: The Kudoh method is simpler and cheaper than the NALC - NaOH method.
2 We determined that 1 M NaOH solution leads to approx.
3 Response was completely abolished twenty-four minutes after application of NaOH .
4 The specimens were then processed by a standard N - acetyl - L - cysteine - NaOH digestion-decontamination method to prepare concentrated specimens.
5 A non-pH-effect was examined by buffering with concentrated NaOH .
1 We shall therefore in this place describe the manufacture of caustic soda .
2 Its chemical products include Ionic membrane caustic soda , chloralkali salt and others.
3 It main products include chloromethane products, caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide.
4 On throwing this alloy into water the sodium is liberated as caustic soda .
5 To the same bath caustic soda is added, which regenerates the hypobromite of soda.
1 The yield of oxycellulose precipitated from solution in soda lye (10 p.ct.
2 Add the lime to the ground indigo, then add the zinc and finally the soda lye .
3 Boil the cotton for six to eight hours with a carbonate of soda lye at 1° Tw.
4 Indophenol are thoroughly ground into a paste with 7 gallons of water and 2 pints caustic soda lye of 72° Tw.
5 The averaging heating surface is 9.8 square meters; the difference of temperature between soda lye and water was toward the end only 3 deg.
1 These particles showed no gel-to-sol transition upon the addition of sodium hydroxide .
2 This stuff is primarily sodium hydroxide , or lye, with a little bleach.
3 It also sells paper chemical products, such as sodium hydroxide and liquid chlorine.
4 With a second pipette, he applied a similar quantity of sodium hydroxide solution.
5 Carry out the same procedure with a second burette, using the sodium hydroxide solution.
1 After from half an hour to a whole hour the conversion of sodium carbonate into sodium hydrate is brought about as far as is practicable.
2 (Carbon monoxide takes part in the syntheses of sodium formate from sodium hydrate , or soda lime (at 200 deg.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for sodium hydrate