A book with paper covers.
Examples for "paperback "
Examples for "paperback "
1 The paperback version in South Africa is now in its second printing.
2 To maintain profits hardcover houses have involved themselves directly in paperback publishing.
3 A paperback collection of the best posts was published in March 2010.
4 The Paperwhite is therefore the standard paperback to the Oasis's leather-bound edition.
5 The Library of Congress has catalogued the Vintage trade paperback as follows:
1 The Birds of Britain and Europe by Heinsel, Fitter and Parslow is a Collins publication, softback .
2 All this comes back when a friend gives a Christmas present of a small, softback book Nature Trails, volume one, by Richard Williamson.
3 These Friar's Bush productions have been pictorial, mostly in small softbacks of about 80 pages; pictures and captions, and an introduction.
1 Elliot stood in the doorway, a paperback book in one hand.
2 The waitress backed away to a corner and picked up a paperback book .
3 The thing was a little bit bigger than a paperback book .
4 David sat reading a paperback book of T. S. Eliot.
5 Then I switch on the reading light, take out a paperback book , and start reading.
1 They'll turn up the fellow's packsack or a paper - back book all swollen and bleached out by the rain or snow, or some such.
2 Wilson bought an armful of magazines and a couple of paper - backed books .
3 Mary took a paper - backed book from the table and came over to the fireplace.
4 A small paper - backed book is now lying upon my desk.
1 All this comes back when a friend gives a Christmas present of a small, softback book Nature Trails, volume one, by Richard Williamson.
1 Another was that women should wear velvet-covered steel collars and, something far nastier, a soft - covered collar with
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for soft-cover book