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Значения термина solemn rite на английском
Значения для термина "solemn rite" отсутствуют.
Использование термина solemn rite на английском
The solemnrite was nearly ended when they brought their vessel to land.
The once imposing and solemnrite of exorcism has become obsolete in the Church.
Soon as the solemnrite was performed, the governor ordered a 'feu de joie'.
We ought to have made a solemnrite of it, you know,- akindof sacrifice.
Then Wunzh withdrew to begin the solemnrite.
The solemnrite was performed with deepest emotion.
I then retired, leaving them alone to engage in the most solemnrite appertaining to their religion.
The solemnrite was at an end.
Now, my dear parents, I have but this one day between me and the most solemnrite that can be performed.
She knew and we knew, that prayer was a solemnrite, not to be lightly held, nor degraded to common uses.
The four men crossed the stone-flagged hall into the diningroom where Appleford stood, devoutly, as one about to perform a solemnrite.
Once every year, with solemnrite and ceremony, they curse the tides of the Sea; and the moon looks in and hates them.
Precisely how far she literally believed in the efficacy of that most solemnrite she would not have found it easy to declare.
The solemnrite was finished, a tender and holy awe filled the room; it was the house of God and the gate of heaven.
I hear my mad knock at the double doors; they fly open in the middle, and it is like some sumptuous and solemnrite.
The Captain in return handed over his pasteboard credential, and, this solemnrite being accomplished, conversation was resumed on more easy and agreeable terms.