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Значения термина sorry history на английском
Значения для термина "sorry history" отсутствуют.
Использование термина sorry history на английском
Men have a long and sorryhistory in this department.
Detroit has a long, sorryhistory of racial tension.
Boasting a long and sorryhistory of political instability and civil strife, they are facing an ever-uncertain future.
Oh, it's a sorryhistory!
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia has a sorryhistory of turning resource booms into bust, but this time could be different.
Who noticed that, somewhere between the turkey and the pudding, we were slipped the biggest U-turn in the Government's sorryhistory of retreats?
Australia stands to break its "boom-bust" cycle SYDNEY Australia has a sorryhistory of turning resource booms into bust, but this time could be different.
"Has the Black Dogg ever been so lit up in its whole sorryhistory?" asked Daniel as he passed through the door.