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Значения термина spasmodic contraction на английском
Значения для термина "spasmodic contraction" отсутствуют.
Использование термина spasmodic contraction на английском
Larynx exposed waiting for larynx to relax its spasmodiccontraction.]
During intercourse, I am told, there is continuous spasmodiccontraction of various parts of the vagina and vulva.
The removal of these glands in animals produces a condition resembling acute poisoning accompanied by spasmodiccontraction of the muscles.
Finally, his frustration culminated in a spasmodiccontraction of nearly every muscle in his body, and he came abruptly awake.
A man who was troubled with spasmodiccontraction of the throat once went to a doctor in alarm and distress.
In the act of yawning, the tears are apparently due solely to the spasmodiccontraction of the muscles round the eyes.
In medical terms, it stimulates the vasomotor centers, and the spasmodiccontraction of the blood-vessels causes the blood to flow quickly.
I do not like to have you dwell upon that subject, said her uncle, with a spasmodiccontraction of his lips.
It is a spasmodiccontraction of the diaphragm, often caused by gas or wind or too much food in the baby's stomach.
During coition, their contents are forcibly expelled by a spasmodiccontraction of the muscles which surround them and the ducts leading from them.
The lower animals frequently attempt to drink water even though the act brings on a spasmodiccontraction of the swallowing (deglutitory) muscles.
LOCKJAW.-Thisis an acute infectious disease that is characterized by spasmodiccontractions of voluntary muscles.
The physiognomy, the spasmodiccontractions of the muscles of the face, manifested the cruel agony which they suffered.
This disease is an affection of the nervous system, which is characterized by spasmodiccontractions of certain muscles.
Dr. Corson, of Savannah, Georgia, reports six cases, characterized by agonizing pains, spasmodiccontractions like those of tetanus, and grave general symptoms.
"Dulac," said Bonbright, leaning forward as though drawn by spasmodiccontraction of tense muscles, "is this true?"