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Efficiency meant work practices such as the speedup and the stretch-out.
With these people we did not find any speedup when the camera was produced.
That's nearly a threefold speedup from the group's previous modulator.
But you don't need a trillionfold speedup in order to be favoured by natural selection.
When using MPI with multi-threading, linear speedup can be achieved for up to 256 processors.
RadixSA introduces an idea that may find independent applications as a speedup technique for other SACAs.
But its quantum speedup abilities remain unproven.
Video, Pastore says, is even more amenable to speedup, because the visual and audio cues reinforce one another.
In each case parallelization and optimization to provide speedup makes its use amenable to typical hardware found in crystallography.
And as online videos become an increasingly important platform for acquiring new skills, speedup behavior is edging into the mainstream.
Its essence was the same as the speedup-makingworkers do more work in less time for the same amount of money.
In addition, we show that this technique allows a 100x speedup compared to previously-studied pencil beam systems using the same components.
Disinvestment program may also speedup in coming financial year, and the platform for such a program may be announced in this budget.
The nature of this rapid acceleration, followed by a rapid slowdown and then succeeded by a second speedup, is puzzling to explain.
On the other hand, the proposed hardware approach outperforms literature works (3X speedup) without affecting the overall accuracy and sensitivity measures.
Some of that speedup may come from using smaller transistors inside the A12, with features as small as 7 nanometers.