1 The journey across Belgium in the springless farm wagon was the worst.
2 It will be springless , I know, but I fancy you can sleep.
3 And he was soon being rattled over the pavement in the springless lumber-wagon.
4 Mother and we girls found it more comfortable riding than the springless prairie-schooners.
5 At other times we would hire the little springless Cuban carts.
6 Was it the ducking yesterday, or only this dreadful springless buggy?
7 Doña Pomposa groaned at the prospect of a long ride in a springless wagon.
8 No swearing, and two sadly battered, springless , and rusty revolvers.
9 Behind each name there marches with springless steps one or more figures shrouded in black.
10 The springless frozen earth under Bert's feet felt strangely dead and heavy after the buoyant airship.
11 We are a failing people, a springless autumn.
12 His rigid legs, however, never lost the stirrups, but came down regularly, accentuating her springless hops.
13 During the next half-hour the springless cart bobbed along the dark road at its slow monotonous pace.
14 She shot suddenly into the air, coming down again on perfectly stiff legs with a springless jolt.
15 Yet he walked with a springless tread.
16 There a friendly artillery officer helped me to get a cart ( springless ) and two fast horses.
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