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Just saying that name makes my lips squinch up like I ate something bad.
She's no soft-heart to squinch at the sight of blood, and that sort of foolery.
They used to talk 'bout ha'nts and squinch owls.
Okada rose and bowed his squinch-owl bow.
That there's what comes o' being so dad-blame' hongry that ye can't squinch fair atween the gun-sights.
I felt my eyebrows squinch together.
I pulled the material out and away and did a sort of sideways downward squinch to have a look at it.
And there might now be a Guardian of the Way who would make you squinch up your face and feel the Great Sound Almighty.
But if you squinch your eyes and let go of your thoughts, you begin to see leaf pictures- aflower , asailboat ,ora tree.
If a squinch owl starts howlin' 'round your house and if you turn your shoe upside down at the door, they sure will hush.
Mr. Lyss's face started to squinch up like it did when he was about to go into a fit, but then the squinching stopped.
Lone Wolf and his men will swallow you down without winkin', and then be mad that there ain't somethin' left to squinch thar hunger.
Also I'd indicated prairie dogs and squinch owls and Gambel's quail and road runners and a couple of coyotes and lizards and other miscellaneous fauna.
There were cramps in my abdomen, like mice squinching through narrow tubes.
She crossed her arms and squinched up her face in a disbelieving frown.
After all these years, I still wanted-He squinched his eyes tightly shut.