The money risked on a gamble.
(Law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something.
Другие значения термина "staked" 1 Australia staked the house on a good start and a strong finish.
2 He has staked out clear ground to the right of Mr Schröder.
3 The new CEO Heins has staked the company's future on Blackberry 10.
4 The killers no doubt staked out the Belknaps' house well in advance.
5 Farley McLeod had left his children mineral rights on land he'd staked .
6 The land is staked with bright plastic strips marking potential oil wells.
7 Warren has staked out an aggressive stance on regulating major tech companies.
8 I think the competitive positions are already being staked out, he added.
9 Many have staked large sums of money on backing entrepreneurs with connections.
10 If I staked high, I lost; if low, it was the same.
11 And each passing day she'd staked a deeper claim to his heart.
12 Horses staked out on the meadow looked like dogs; people, like ants.
13 Beggars cannot be choosers; I staked my all upon a single die.
14 China has staked out islands also claimed by Japan and the Philippines.
15 Again he has staked his last dollar; again fortune frowns upon him.
16 I staked upon the same again-bothmy original stake and my winnings.
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