Значения для термина "stimulate thought" отсутствуют.
1 A book may stimulate thought , but it can never impart it.
2 His writings continued to stimulate thought , but were no longer regarded as sound.
3 Our object has not been to prophesy, but merely to stimulate thought and discussion.
4 The notes are suggestive rather than informational, and, with the questions, are designed to stimulate thought .
5 Reading should entertain, give information, or stimulate thought .
6 He passed a hand over his shiny bald head as if to stimulate thought and exorcise bewilderment.
7 They both stimulate thought and invigorate faith.
8 It's one of a series of free lunch-time lectures organised by the museum to stimulate thought and appreciation of the sea.
9 The newspapers, the magazines, and more than all the speakers-"stumporators" as they are called-communicateinformation and stimulate thought .
10 Browning did not write to amuse and entertain, but to stimulate thought and to "sting" the conscience to activity.
11 His name stands for the best that Italy has to give the world of serious, stimulating thought .
12 Internally, too, the attempt is to remove all causes of excitement, all of the ordinarily stimulating thoughts , images, desires.
13 I owe him grateful thanks for many quickening, stimulating thoughts , and shall always be thankful that I grasped the strong hand of Thomas Carlyle.
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