The effect, besides giving every prospect of a distant engagement, was to straightentheline to nearly mathematical precision.
A runner clipped to each piece will straightentheline the rope takes and absorb much of the rope's whipping action.
Once across, they stopped for a moment in the trampled corn to straightentheline, and then charged toward the right of the barns.
On June 21 it was determined to straightentheline upon the extreme right, and at 1.30 A.M. the preliminary bombardment began.
During the afternoon our counter-attack made further progress south of Pilkem, thus straighteningtheline still more.
Not straighteningtheline out, just the ski was a little … not quite carving in some places like it should have.
A noiseless laugh broke just then from the fantastical personage, straighteningtheline of his lips that stretched across a row of artificial teeth.
The men came out of the demobilization-shacks with alacrity and formed within a minute; without command, they "dressed" to the right and straightenedtheline.