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Значения термина stretched almost на английском
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Использование термина stretched almost на английском
The line stretchedalmost a full block, the long kind of block in Manhattan, between avenues.
An untidy medley of houses and factories stretchedalmost to the gates of the vast air terminus.
And around the tall poles they stretchedalmost as many ropes as there are on a ship.
His legs stretchedalmost to the refrigerator.
His eyes had been caught by the two-line headline that stretchedalmost all the way across the page.
The road was closed to traffic during the event as attendees stretchedalmost as far back as Dawson Street.
The line of ships, or rather the two lines, Jack and Frank knew, stretchedalmost to the distant shore.
The army of clay-gatherers and modellers grew larger and larger, and the work-sheds stretchedalmost down to the river's edge.
He had been within an ace of heat apoplexy more than once, and his nerves were stretchedalmost to breaking-point.
The line at the counter stretchedalmost to the door, and I suddenly remembered that for thousands of people-millionsof people-
And he barked his orders shortly in a hoarse strained voice that told of nerves stretchedalmost to the breaking point.
Heaven was full of silent stars, and there was a moonglade on the water that stretchedalmost from him to Rose.
It stretchedalmost unbroken to the horizon in every direction, and the situation was made worse by very low temperatures in succeeding days.
The net unwrapped smoothly, neatly, without any snarls, till about twenty meters stretchedalmost straight and the big dolphin swam free, apparently unharmed.
A carpet of yellow daffodils and pale narcissi stretchedalmost to the river's edge, broken by tiny clumps of purple and white crocuses.
The water flowed into a wide, shallow basin at her feet, and then into a pool that stretchedalmost the width of the plaza.