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Значения термина stubbly beard на английском
Значения для термина "stubbly beard" отсутствуют.
Использование термина stubbly beard на английском
The tears mingled with the blood that dribbled into his blond stubblybeard.
One makes out the shining dust of old age strewn in his stubblybeard.
He was a little man, all muscles and hands and feet, with a gray-red, stubblybeard.
A stubblybeard covered his brick-baked face.
The man who'd called to me was clearly their leader, a great smiling face above a stubblybeard.
The scant growth was blackened or partly covered with sand, and it fringed the distant uplands like a stubblybeard.
A large man with black eyebrows that met over his nose and a very black stubblybeard passed the car.
She stared into that haggard face, and through the half-mask of stubblybeard gradually made out the features of her brother.
They went in large numbers to other villages to teach Muslims a lesson, he said with a grin, scratching at a stubblybeard.
In fact, a stout man, with a dark, stubblybeard, dressed like a workingman, rose on one of the side benches and said:
The grizzled, stubblybeard, the protruding, vicious mouth, the broad, flat nose, and deep-set, small, glittering eyes made a bad impression on the observer.
Vergil stood before the white idea board, rubbing his stubblybeard, and stared at the cryptic messages he had scrawled there the day before.
At the removal of the helmet, the strange parchment face with its blue-black stubblybeard was seen to be more than usually pale and drawn.
The suspect was described by those who knew him as a withdrawn, inconspicuous man of short height with shoulder-length hair, and a short stubblybeard.
On his cheek, an inch or so above his stubblybeard, was a wide cross of plaster, and his left wrist wore a narrow bandage.
It was that of a man about forty-three or forty-four years of age, middle-sized, broad-shouldered, with crisp curling black hair, and a short, stubblybeard.