Conclusions: The results of the present series constitute a reference point to which subsequentseries should be compared.
While 24's first series didn't deal with Islamic extremism, subsequentseries did and it tackled these concerns head on.
The practice was repeated during England's one-day matches against Ireland but not in subsequentseries against Pakistan and Australia.
A subsequentseries, Immigration Street, was cut to one episode after Love's crew were confronted by protesters during filming.
And then the whole subsequentseries of adventures and disasters passed before him- amovingpanorama of dishonor and crime!
The subsequentseries against England will see Rajkot and the coastal venue of Vizag host tests for the first time.
A subsequentseries of cross-correlational analyses examined the cortical distribution and timing of Gestalt-prime generation during and subsequent to premask-display presentation.
She was the creative force behind the groundbreaking Scandinavian noir series The Killing, and executive produced the subsequentseries The Bridge.
At this stage, it is difficult to imagine audience interest in Callum and Sephy sustaining the show into a proposed subsequentseries.
These were very great in the series of our invertebrate ancestors; they are much slighter in the subsequentseries of our vertebrate ancestors.
Respecting the message The practice was repeated during England's one-day international series against Ireland but not in subsequentseries against Pakistan and Australia.
Early reports have already suggested that an international rights deal could threaten the BBC's position as the home of any subsequentseries of Bodyguard.
The subsequentseries against England will see the western Indian city of Rajkot and the coastal venue of Vizag host tests for the first time.
Subsequentseries also saw a perhaps unavoidable increase in dramatic incidents; Girls is, after all, a work of fiction.