Subsequence of the symbols in a string, where the order of the elements is preserved.
1 A k-mer counter generates the frequencies of each k-length substring in genome sequences.
2 You are searching for a substring within an indexed column.
3 Finds the location of a substring within a string.
4 Return position (starting at 1) of substring in string.
5 That is followed by another slash and again we recall the saved substring as the replacement string.
6 CSS3 adds substring matching to attribute selectors.
7 As promised earlier, here is a function that gathers all the words that contain a substring from a list:
8 Unfortunately, this function does not accept patterns, but it does find simple substrings :
9 Substring matching allows you to look for subsets of strings used in attribute values.
10 Indexes can't be used to find nonleading substrings
11 Motivation: A massive number of bioinformatics applications require counting of k-length substrings in genetically important long strings.
12 This type of preprocessing extracts all "interesting" substrings into single keywords that are the fastest to search.
13 Using LOCATE to find substrings
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for substring