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Значения термина successful opening на английском
Значения для термина "successful opening" отсутствуют.
Использование термина successful opening на английском
But she might only ever have one big successfulopening-night party.
From a political standpoint, a successfulopening day will shape perceptions of Obama's signature policy initiative.
New Zealand athletes have had a successfulopening day at the Paralympics in Rio winning gold and bronze medals.
When the pair safely made it to 24 without loss, it represented the most successfulopening stand of the summer.
Last Saturday, Leinster did it again and so made a successfulopening defence of the Interprovincial Championship, a competition sponsored by Guinness.
The key was in the lock, and a few moments of investigation and experimentation were rewarded with the successfulopening of the receptacle.
Organisers of the World Youth Day celebrations were yesterday congratulating themselves on the successfulopening of the event, likened to a Catholic Woodstock.
Although Mr Bean's Holiday has had the most successfulopening weekend in Britain so far this year, its critical and popular reception has been muted.
Successfulopening of the improved system of sewerage in Boston.
"Without doubt," replies she, laughing too: so that a very successfulopening is rashly neglected.