Fontenelle states the problem in this succinctway at the beginning of the Digression.
They were probably victims of what the Church in its succinctway describes and denounces as Invincible Ignorance.
All the same, the poo emoji is a succinctway of summing up the way you feel about something entirely unimpressive.
Heat picked up on it, but all she said was, "ETA?" Her succinctway of urging focus and speed.
Said the Bibliotaph, recounting the incident in his succinctway, 'They reached him on his death-bed,-andmade him willing to go.'
Aaron McDonald, the co-founder of one of New Zealand's biggest blockchain companies, Centrality, has a succinctway of describing it to newbies.
I chose it because it says in a very succinctway what the problem is, what causes injustice-wejudge, and we don't judge correctly.
A popular clothier in New York, understanding this trait of his fellow-men, voices this same sentiment in his advertisement in this succinctway: Seriously now.
It is Verplanck, by the bye, who has put in a peculiarly succinctway one of the most signal characteristics of New York-itslightning-likeevolution.
"Forgive my slowness, but there is no succinctway to explain the strangeness I have noticed in her."