Значения для термина "such quibbles" отсутствуют.
1 Yet such quibbles could not detract from Neville's apparent Midas touch.
2 Do you weigh a life against such quibbles ?
3 Hunter refused to listen to such quibbles .
4 The politic Hunting said nothing of moral right, and innocent Annie was not on the lookout for such quibbles .
5 To be sure (answered Pericles), adding: At your age we were clever hands at such quibbles ourselves.
6 Agamemnon laughed and told him he need not worry about such quibbles when he was dealing with a great-hearted man of honor.
7 Such quibbles are hardly worth mentioning.
8 Such quibbles aside, I love these shortlists because they get people all worked up and talking passionately about music.
9 "I don't feel the least interest in such quibbles . "
10 'Tis because of such quibbles , that the baths are seen crowded with young folk, who chatter there the livelong day while the gymnasia remain empty.
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