At the same moment, cries arose from all parts of Coal Town, which was threatened by a suddeninundation.
All at once, as if by a suddeninundation, the very scum of the earth appeared to spread over Janina.
The play was "Metamora," and was under full headway, when this suddeninundation of the rioters took place.
During a suddeninundation of the Rhine, a hare, unable to escape through the water to an eminence, climbed up a tree.
A colony of beavers had migrated into the valley, and constructed their dam; and this it was which had caused the suddeninundation.
The professors and students were amazed at this suddeninundation of the crowd, who swarmed without opposition through every part of the building.
But one day, his thoughts having cleared themselves a little upon these points, a new set of questions arose with suddeninundation-comprisedin these two:-
I do not speak of suddeninundations, the causes of which everybody understands.