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Lower margin of mouth notched in the middle; back of cell minutely sulcated; sulci short, interrupted, and irregular.
Finally, positive CT scans show an isolated widening of the sulci which is fairly suggestive of the disease.
There was also a chronic leptomeningitis, with numerous streaks and flecks along the sulci, especially in the frontal region.
Cortical gray matter measurements were not deemed reliable due to the close proximity of CSF in the cortical sulci.
In general, (1) human-produced sounds yielded robust activation in the bilateral posterior superior temporal sulci independent of task.
This gray substance lies in folds or convolutions, the furrows or sulci, dipping deeply into the interior of the brain.
Considering the patient's presentation and the possible morbidity of resection of mucosal bridges and sulci, only the polyp was excised.
Overall, this task showed brain activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus and in the left posterior superior temporal sulci.
Head and neck manifestations of this abnormality include flame nevus of the forehead and characteristic sulci of the ear lobe.
Most importantly, spatial information elicited bilateral activation in the collateral sulci and the posterior cingulate cortex, areas important for visuo-spatial cognition.
The patient improved rapidly and by day 2 was completely recovered; magnetic resonance imaging documented no cortical edema and normal sulci.
It was felt that the recent change in voice was because of the polyp and not the bridges or sulci vocales.
These chimeras were subjected to experimental chronic periodontitis induced by repeated applications of LPS to the gingival sulci for 18 weeks.
On display in the dome, the brain was actually rather lovely, pleasingly wrinkled with beautifully curved gyri outlined by deep sulci.
The pearly lustre (in the dry state) owing without doubt to the minute sulci on the backs of the cells.
Fold opening was the strongest anatomical correlate of prenatal alcohol intake, indicating a widening of sulci in all regions that were examined.