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Значения термина supreme justice на английском
Значения для термина "supreme justice" отсутствуют.
Использование термина supreme justice на английском
If the just God permitted it, 'twas a favor of supremejustice.
If the supremejustice calls for vengeance, it claims it in this life.
The earliest trial, more than a century ago, was that of a supremejustice, Chase of Maryland.
Clad in his royal red robe with the ermine collar of supremejustice, the Lord Justice entered the court.
Is confidence in supremejustice compatible with the conviction that the tyrant and the tortured victims of his tyranny, alike, repose forever in the grave?
If SupremeJustice avenges itself, it avenges itself in this life.
Consovoy served as a clerk in 2008 for conservative U.S. SupremeJustice Clarence Thomas and represents clients on constitutional issues.
Shortly after his appointment, Justice Harlan was assigned as the SupremeJustice for this circuit, and served here for eighteen years.
The judicial business of the country was small, and for the time being the supremejustices were to hold the circuit courts.
Lawyers for Nordic Trustee are considering filing a lawsuit at Brazil's SupremeJustice Tribunal, the top appeals court, said one of the sources.
"We will," said Robert, with the grand air of an associate SupremeJustice concurring in an opinion.