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Значения термина take tribute на английском
Значения для термина "take tribute" отсутствуют.
Использование термина take tribute на английском
Of whom do they taketribute; of their own people or of strangers?
And these taketribute of the rest, not with their consent, but of right.
They purposed to steal upon the settlements in their sleep, and taketribute of the enemies' flocks.
Of the three personages who taketribute of the people of Gweedore, the law intervenes in their behalf with only one-thelandlord.
The Church might say, 'Then you are a stranger, and no child; therefore, like the kings of the earth, we MAY taketribute of you.'
Why do I linger in distant waves, takingtribute and conquering in war?
Shalmaneser informs us that he tooktribute from twenty-five such chiefs.
We have takentribute from the inhabitants.
They raided the Algonquin and tooktribute.
A breeze, sweet with pine-scent of the hills, swept the valley, takingtribute of the gardens as it passed.
What was the essential difference, between takingtribute of travellers passing on horseback, and collecting dues from travellers arriving by steamer?
Tiglath-Pileser relates that he tooktribute from Menahem in a war which lasted from his fourth to his eighth year, or from B.C.
And he was greatly perplexed in mind, and purposed to go into Persia, and to taketributes of the countries, and to gather much money.
Julius Caesar, our mighty ancestor-whom ,maybe ,youdespise in your heart-conqueredthe land of Britain, takingtribute thereof, and this you have paid until now.