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They were blue-collar, churchgoing, taxpaying home owners with now two, instead of three, grown children.
Is he not in most countries a taxpaying animal?
For taxpaying variable mortgage holders, it seems like every way you look at this you lose.
The taxpaying Swedish working class has after many years accepted what is called 'aid to underdeveloped countries'.
A variation of a plan first supported by the Liberal Democrats to hand shares to taxpaying Britons?
She's a taxpaying member of the community.
This part of the city, few people had jobs, at least taxpaying jobs, and traffic was consequently sparse.
He said the Bill would secure a "substantial increase in after-tax income for the taxpaying public".
How much a U.S. taxpaying athlete would owe would vary widely depending on overall income, age and tax status.
Reversing this so-called "base erosion" among U.S. taxpaying companies has been a top priority for Republican lawmakers.
She is, as she says herself, a taxpaying citizen on a modest salary who is working in adult education.
After the horrific fires we've experienced here and all the financial burden of the drought these are taxpaying citizens.
Today, these white-clad taxpaying babalawos are on a level with Cubans with permits to run book stores or drive taxis.
The tax gap was calculated through a series of random audits, with those findings extrapolated across the entire taxpaying population.
Boarding school-educated politicians talk about the importance of parenting and make policy that treats every adult as a taxpaying economic unit.
According to SABC spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago, the taxpaying public is being malicious and don't fully understand the measures taken by the broadcaster.