University in Beijing, China.
Examples for "tsinghua "
Examples for "tsinghua "
1 Tsinghua Unigroup did not immediately reply to an emailed request for comments.
2 A Tsinghua spokesman said the company was not aware of the reported proposal.
3 Tsinghua Unigroup did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
4 Tsinghua did not respond to requests for comment at the time.
5 The announcement came after Kau joined Tsinghua Unigroup as global executive vice president.
1 However, he won a scholarship to Qinghua University.
2 The blast at a cafeteria at Qinghua University, shortly before noon, injured six people, a university official said.
3 If given the opportunity to browse through today's Qinghua University department store, Chairman Mao would not throw a nod of approval.
1 Unigroup is controlled by the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing.
2 And Schwarzman established a unique scholarship program at Tsinghua University .
3 Gong holds posts at both Tsinghua University in China and the University of California, Berkeley.
4 He is "literally mobbed" by awestruck students after a speech at Tsinghua University .
5 Megvii was founded in 2011 by Chief Executive Yin Qi and two friends from Tsinghua University .
1 However, he won a scholarship to Qinghua University .
2 The blast at a cafeteria at Qinghua University , shortly before noon, injured six people, a university official said.
3 If given the opportunity to browse through today's Qinghua University department store, Chairman Mao would not throw a nod of approval.
1 The rest o' these fellurs hed better stay hyur, an snore it out; thu 'll only bamfoozle us.
2 A teanga a' diabhuil mhoir, tha thu ag dènamh breug (O tongue of the great devil!
3 All he wanted now, so Todd concluded, was a good soup and a drap o' sumpin warmin'-an 'he'dpull thu ' .
4 Ef we meet wi' eyther Kimanch or Leepan on these hyur plains, thu 'll scalp us, or we'll scalp 'em-thet'll be it.
5 Kay Dah Ukay and Mu Thu Pa leave 9 children behind.
6 Out from Thu Iris Albert Maysles's documentary on nonagenarian style icon Iris Apfel.
7 Thu said Vietnamese boats were still watching the area closely.
8 Cold front makes landfall early hours of Thu morning in south-western Cape spreading eastwards.
9 The ghosts of Lens 1999 seeped into the UCD Bowl last Thu ( ... )
10 Si Thu (who was only 13 at the time) went missing for hours.
11 Kingsman: The Secret Service is in cinemas from Thu .
12 Thu gestatholadest eorthan swithe wundorlice and fæstlice thæt he ne helt on nane healfe .
13 This acquaintance was one Wun Thu , a son of Thebaw, last of the Burman Kings.
14 However, Wun Thu has been banished to Ceylon, and I am still writing about Prague.
15 A police spokesman, Colonel Myo Thu Soe, said the police would investigate the allegations of looting.
16 Colonel Myo Thu Soe, the police spokesman, said the police would investigate the allegations of looting.
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