Shelby laughed him in the face, toocontemptuous to set him right.
The overseer was toocontemptuous and perhaps too languid in the stifling heat of approaching noontide to correct his course.
He was a man too strong in himself and toocontemptuous of weakness to show to all the world his hurt.
At most he only asked Georges and Aurora not to be toocontemptuous of those who, like himself, did not share their faith.
P.S.-Ifmy manuscript appears too flat, toocontemptuous, too spiteful, or too anything, I earnestly beseech you to throw it into the fire.
Contemptuous enough, perhaps toocontemptuous, of human frailties, he at least knew how to make them entertaining, and his urbane irony dissolved pretentious egoism.
Keepers of inns are not rarely in evidence in the literature of satire and epigram, and no language seems toocontemptuous for their alleged dishonesty.