Значения для термина "too destructive" отсутствуют.
1 It became, at last, too destructive to be indulged in at all.
2 Why is a tenderness for my belly too destructive for me?
3 Nahgul is the rejected Gayandil who was found by Byamee too destructive to act as president of the Boorahs.
4 The environment was too destructive .
5 And the projectile was too destructive to have come from your handgun: it had to be a bigger, high-velocity weapon.
6 Here was a playground for boys of imaginative but not too destructive proclivities, such as the world hardly furnishes elsewhere.
7 I daresay his papers, if he has left any, include some satires that may be published without too destructive results fifty years hence.
8 Nature is here like our fortunes, grand, but too destructive , bare, and rude, to be able to afford delight to her young imagination.
9 The modern globe is too small, its weapons are too destructive , and its disorders are too contagious to permit any other kind of victory.
10 "It's all too destructive , too preposterous!"
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