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Использование термина torture instrument на английском
The prisoner was only to be shown the tortureinstruments today.
Have you ever looked at those old engravings of tortureinstruments?
Bushbabies and many other primates have monstrous penises-manyof them look like medieval tortureinstruments.
He couldn't see any obvious tortureinstruments about the creature's webbing and pouches, but who knew?
At the very least, give Robert Mugabe a call -surely he has some tortureinstruments he would like to offload.
'Diabetes, genius, remember?' She points down -her legs are a pin-cushion of syringes, drips and tortureinstruments.
For a moment it seemed he wanted to say something, but then he reached for the goblet and looked again at the tortureinstruments.
The present is a fine genuine old copy: in faded yellow morocco binding-apparentlynot having been subjected to the torturinginstruments of De Rome.
In addition to the tortureinstruments, she had found a collection of violent pornographic magazines and a large number of Polaroid photographs pasted into albums.