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Значения термина treble the size на английском
Значения для термина "treble the size" отсутствуют.
Использование термина treble the size на английском
Neglect or Mal-Treatment is liable speedily to treblethesize of the rupture.
A bow window, and the panes of glass double, yes, treblethesize of the old ones!
It will keep its focus on the consumer and treblethesize of its typical investment, she said.
Steve Cockburn, of the Stop AIDS Campaign, said donors had to keep their pledge to treblethesize of the Fund by 2010.
The purchase will nearly treblethesize of Glaxo's skincare business, giving it an 8 percent share of the global prescription dermatology market.
The acquisition, announced yesterday, treblesthesize of First National's business in Britain, making it the 11th largest society in the British, market.
The owners extended the property, treblingthesize of the kitchen and converted the attic to include a further bedroom and large bathroom.