Politically, the opposition TrueFinns party is seeking to twist the knife.
All TrueFinns will vote against it.
The TrueFinns party has a conservative social agenda but leans to the left on social welfare issues.
The TrueFinns have said they have no intention of backing down from their opposition to the bailout.
The TrueFinns leader told Reuters his aim was for Finland to "pay less to Brussels".
The charismatic TrueFinns leader Timo Soini said he wanted to change the terms of the bailout for Portugal.
In Greece it is the Golden Dawn, in Finland it is the TrueFinns and in Hungary it is Jobbik.
Support for the TrueFinns has nearly quadrupled since the 2007 election, partly fuelled by anxiety over unemployment and pension cutbacks.
The TrueFinns, he said, would probably be asked to tone down their rhetoric as a condition of joining the coalition.
The populist TrueFinns party, which may win a major role in the next Finnish government, is against raising EFSF guarantees.
Worries about jobs and possible cuts to social welfare helped the populist TrueFinns party in the country's general election earlier this month.
As a result, Sipila may have to depend on the eurosceptic Finns Party, formerly known as the TrueFinns, to form a government.
The Finns, earlier known as TrueFinns, became known for trying to block the sovereign bailouts that helped end the euro zone's debt crisis.
Formerly known as TrueFinns, his party became known for attempting to frustrate the sovereign bailouts that helped end the euro zone's debt crisis.
Victory by the TrueFinns, in a photo finish with two larger parties, marks a dramatic shift in Finland's political landscape and EU relations.
Timo Soini, the nationalist TrueFinns leader, meanwhile, threatened to bring down the government in Helsinki if Stubb agreed to a new bailout for Greece.