Значения для термина "uncrowned queen" отсутствуют.
1 She was unthroned, and like an uncrowned queen she sighed over the remembrance of her former royalty.
2 Tomorrow, the uncrowned queen of travel writing, Jan Morris, will read in the sumptuous surroundings of Fort William House.
3 He recalled the holograms of Howell, and conceived a sudden retrospective lust for sallow Heloise, uncrowned queen of the Aesthetic Asteroid.
4 But they are being led by a woman who, in her 15 years in power, has become the uncrowned queen of drive-by-sight politics.
5 In her own country she's an uncrowned queen ; a slight, fragile but unbending figure glimpsed by few but known to all as The Lady.
6 "Wait one moment, and you shall see how far I have caught the character of our uncrowned queen . "
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