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Значения термина undergoing training на английском
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Использование термина undergoing training на английском
This much put-upon group of junior doctors are, in theory, undergoingtraining.
Brown will be released on August 7 after undergoingtraining on returning to society.
At the moment, three hundred and seven of them are stationed here undergoingtraining.
In preparation, more trainee pilots are undergoingtraining overseas.
The participants are undergoingtraining as part of the civilian and police components of the ASF.
Images of several aspiring female lifeguards undergoingtraining shared online this week sparked a social media flurry.
Some have since been deployed to Libya with others still undergoingtraining at camps in southern Turkey.
Toby was in town for a wedding and William was undergoingtraining at Fort Lee military base.
The five hundred men undergoingtraining in Guatemala were "a preposterously inadequate number," Bissell told Esterline.
When Yildiz found the right camp, he was told that men "currently undergoingtraining" are not allowed visitors.
Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Defense Department spokesman, said last week that up to 200 Syrian fighters were undergoingtraining.
Taylor was shot multiple times by Arlington police officer Brad Miller, 49, who was still undergoingtraining with the department, police said.
Based on intelligence reports, there were nearly 60 militants seeking sanctuary or undergoingtraining on the southern island of Mindanao, he said.
Some 62 current and former Air Force members have come forward to claim they were victims of abuse while undergoingtraining at Lackland.
Department accepts responsibility Masuku has apologised to the family for the hospital's actions and taken full responsibility, adding that staffers are undergoingtraining.
Several camps housed about 20,000 marines who were undergoingtraining for assaults against the Japanese in the Pacific.