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They submit to every thing with unmurmuring sweetness and humility.
It is well to sit still unmurmuring; it is better to march on undiverted and unchecked.
That forcible form of expression describes the completeness of the Psalmist's unmurmuring submission and quiet faith.
How many subjects had he for unmurmuring gratitude!
Mrs. Kingston bore the dreadful trial with the fortitude and submissive grace that only a serene and unmurmuring faith can give.
Fort William and the palaces of Calcutta represent an insolent exploitation of the unmurmuring and highly cultured peasantry of this fair province.
When the time came, he gave up his apparatus to another and returned to the vitiated air on board, calm, unflinching, unmurmuring.
The brave women of the city were a constant reproach, in their quiet, unmurmuring industry, to the not infrequently faint-hearted and despondent men.
The leader of our class for mothers and widows says that it is almost impossible to visit them, their unmurmuring sufferings are so touching.
I have wondered at your fortitude and disinterested interest in others,- Ihavewondered at your Christian submission, your unmurmuring resignation, and I wonder still.
Do you imagine, because a load is borne with unmurmuring patience, that the weight is gradually lessening and the burden will soon be lifted?
But stop"-addedhe suddenly-"Somewomen have to bear, and do bear, every grief that they may encounter with unmurmuring and suffering patience."
Sternly, unremittingly, since the fair July night when Richard had left her nearly five years earlier, she had schooled herself into unmurmuring resignation and calm.
Mr. Ogilvie was amused at Armine's notion of unmurmuring resignation, but he added only, "Which would be much assisted by a little exertion."
"I hope so, but with my health there seems nothing left for me but unmurmuring resignation."
They submit to every thing with unmurmuring sweetness and humility.