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Meanings of use genetic in английском
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Usage of use genetic in английском
In other words, you could usegenetic search to do inverse deduction.
Can we usegenetic engineering to more successfully accomplish our life plans?
They hoped to usegenetic engineering to create angels.
These vaccines usegenetic code rather than killed or attenuated parts of the virus itself.
Evolutionaries usegenetic algorithms to simulate natural selection.
They usegenetic engineering to reconstruct extinct life.
Results inform the debate on when and how to usegenetic testing in the diagnosing of LI.
The researchers plan to usegenetic data to further examine the relationship between snoring and sleep apnoea.
Monsanto aims to usegenetic modification to develop a higher yielding and more drought and stress-tolerant crop.
Conclusion: Although serological typing is rapid and easy, it is necessary to usegenetic typing as a complement to it.
Researchers say New Zealanders should be able to usegenetic techniques to screen for a much wider range of health disorders.
Laboratories around the world routinely usegenetic engineering to add or delete genetic material as a way to introduce new traits.
The process is fundamental for life and describes how cells usegenetic code to produce the building blocks of living organisms.
The team now planned to usegenetic approaches to shed new light on ancient earthquake events elsewhere in New Zealand and overseas.
We usegenetic data to test whether social associations and relatedness between individuals correlate with patterns of parentage within the hybrid population.
Objective: To usegenetic variants as unconfounded proxies of C reactive protein concentration to study its causal role in coronary heart disease.