The meadow was now one vastbog, and the small lagoons were swollen into deep and rapid streams.
Beyond this, along his whole front, a vastbog extended, in most places impassable for horse or foot.
The search for one of the IRA's so-called disappeared victims has resumed in a vastbog near the border.
At high tide Chinitna Bay extends inland some fifteen miles, but at low water is one vastbog of glacial deposit.
A hundred years ago much of this stretch of the Alföld resembled a vastbog relieved by a few oases of higher ground.
Specialist forensic investigators are preparing to scour a vastbog at Oristown, for the remains of Brendan Megraw who vanished in April 1978.
In one such area on the edge of a vastbog, in the shadow of some jagged hills, lived an elderly couple, Axl and Beatrice.
They lived in a vastbog, without being able to utilize modern contrivances for making the tight against adverse conditions anything like an equal contest.
The vastbogs that lie just west of Galway city are a difficult place for the mind to grasp.