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After the verbiage of the campaign, Ms Pelosi's words carry some weight.
What chance has a Spanish peasant of understanding this rain of verbiage?
The other is an obscure but quite typical exercise in ministerial verbiage.
Stripped of verbiage and technicalities, the case is within the humblest comprehension.
Mr. MOREHEAD, of North Carolina:-Cannotwe avoid the verbiage of the amendment?
Использование термина verbalism на английском
Though it can be cultivated, good verbalism is an innate ability, and a most valuable one.
In Mr. Bradley's difficulty in seeing how sugar can be sweet intellectualism outstrips itself and becomes openly a sort of verbalism.
It is too late to eliminate the factor of sheer verbalism in the already blazing war between "fascism" and "communism".
But if he forgets that he has substituted and simplified, he soon lapses into verbalism, and begins to talk about names regardless of objects.
To me, Tennyson shows more than any poet I know (perhaps has been a warning to me) how much there is in finest verbalism.
Verbalism, formalism, mysticism, are given a certain false charm and semblance of self-sufficiency by the cultivation and exercise of the aesthetic interest.