Значения для термина "very sightly" отсутствуют.
1 My ladder, though not very sightly , was, I hoped, thus made secure.
2 I'm afraid the parlor won't be very sightly , but you won't mind, will you?
3 They are very sightly and have handsome halls.
4 They are a very sightly company, those girls.
5 He seems a very sightly young man, even if he does 'chase caterpillars for a living.'
6 That series, though not very sightly to the eye, is of extraordinary value for dramatic insight and energy.
7 It is very sightly , and to all appearances thickly populated, and has a circumference of about fifteen leguas.
8 She was not very sightly , certainly, but we thought she would be strong, which was of more importance.
9 Betty thought she should some day like to come out and investigate them with Peter; they were not very sightly , but they might prove interesting.
10 She felt slightly-oh ,verysightly-uneasyabout Daisy.
11 "It is a very sightly evening!"
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