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Значения термина visible way на английском
Значения для термина "visible way" отсутствуют.
Использование термина visible way на английском
The government wisely chose not to do so in any highly visibleway.
We were in an ice cave... and one with no visibleway out.
But I had never really seen this, not in such a concrete and shockingly visibleway.
There are always frictions but to go public in such a visibleway is almost without precedent.
Though he was broken in every visibleway there was one thing as strong as ever-his honour.
As far as I could tell, I was currently lying inside a sort of concrete tent with no visibleway out.
Because the blind, brutal crime of powerful and selfish interests made this path through hell the only visibleway to heaven.
Yesterday's proceedings at the site of the Battle of the Boyne have reinforced that fact in a very real and visibleway.
Homejoy, Cheung says, provides a highly visibleway for the vast workforce of independent cleaners to make themselves known and demonstrate their competence.
The brewery's massive tanks are visibleway in the distance while approaching the site, a short bus ride from the city of Aberdeen.
The stark copy was not enough: it was coldly unimaginative and did not commemorate the saintly qualities of the Beatus in any visibleway.
The ACCC says that if an advertised product is in short supply, consumers should be told that in a "clear, specific and highly visibleway".
Lighting is one of the more visibleways that increased energy efficiency can be delivered.